^z 20th December 2023 at 9:31am
Hard, hard problem: You turn it over Study it from the other side Push it around the floor Bend it, but it springs back Gnaw it, until your teeth hurt Try one thing on it, then another Set it aside Pretend not to care about it Sneak up on it and surprise it Trade it for another hard, hard problem Take it back again Carry it with you wherever you go Sleep with it beside you Wear it like a collar Wear it down Weary it Worry it Dirty it Clean it Chew on it Find a tiny crack in it, maybe that it had all along Make the crack in it a little larger Give it to the next dog |
(cf Richard Hamming's "You and Your Research", Applied Bypasses (1999-04-14), Genius and Complexity (1999-05-25), Difficult (2001-06-28), Insight Modeling (2019-12-31), ...) - ^z - 2021-03-21